Gear Box


Straight Cut Gear Set


The car has been transformed of late. Went down south recently To See Ron Schmidt of RaceTrans and picked up my F16 straight cut close ratio Quaife/Hewland gearbox with my new Quaife ATB now fitted... cant wait to get this going...

I also decided to simplify the gear selector setup as in the 8v cars... I was inspired and I did my own. Which although works fine I have already have an upgrade to a fabricated gear stick to remove the plasticy genuine one.


Fire wall

Selector Rubber Boot Ring

After removing the section of firewall near the old hole and puting back the Gearbox and Motor it was fairly simple.

Shorten Selector Rod

Connecting Selector To Box

I originally fabricated the bracket 20mm shorter thinking I was going to drop the sector shaft into the tunnel a little to lower the stack as it is quite tall being that in the other car they run under the car... as you can see I used 2 bits of 20mm tube the raise it back up... in doing this I picked up the original mounting holes.
The tube holding the shaft is raised 40mm and this works out really well as it still fits under the bracket that holds up the dash.
The new shaft set in the same position as the old so to align with the console needs to be cut 65mm shorter.
I remade the peice removed from the firewall and reused the large hole from the original shaft so to reuse the rubber boot.
The centre console does cover this all perfectly and the only obvious this is the stick is a few inches higher.

Completed Selector Rod